
Charles sobhraj poison of choice
Charles sobhraj poison of choice


The show follows a pair of shapeshifting criminals with multiple aliases there’s no need to make things messier by following something like a dozen timelines, skipping backwards and forwards to paint a portrait of a man that still, by the end of eight episodes-by the show’s own admission, in the epilogue text!-eludes their understanding. The device is clunky and tiresome moreover, it’s confusing. The Serpent does a lot of prancing around to make itself quote-unquote suspenseful, using chyrons that attempt a digital version of the iconic split-flap displays that used to be commonplace, complete with the clicky noise that accompanied an update. There’s nothing human to latch onto in Sobhraj he’s just a bad man, slippery under his gaze, nauseatingly ruthless. Who these people were, and what they sought in Asia, remains secondary to the question of Sobhraj himself-which sucks, because he’s awful.


The series carries on as if the Asian Hippie Trail is something you will know about already-an overland route, now defunct thanks to the regimes in Iran and Afghanistan, by which Europeans could hitchhike or bus their way through the Khyber Pass to India and points beyond. The result is a show that at worst plays into notions of the sinister, exotique Orient and, at best transforms a subcontinent of incredible history and tradition into a playground for white people., The Serpent does its best to say as little as possible, while cobbling together a collection of impressions and moods around Sobhraj and his accomplices. The characters are blurry and formless the story is chopped up into multiple interleaving timelines and the extraordinary context of the killings-the hippie moment, open borders, the excitement of “the east” to white travelers, the discomfort of their tourism through impoverished countries-is relegated to background scenery. (Other locations, like Kathmandu, Hong Kong, and Delhi, were constructed using Bangkok locations and studio shots back in the UK.) The show fully commits to the vibe of long cigarettes, aviator sunglasses and rapidly spoken French, which may have you folding laundry while saying things like, Est-ce que Charles est un meutrier? Quelle horror! J’ai besoin de mille cigarettes! Alors, où sont mes lunettes d’aviateur?īy the end of this BBC/Netflix co-production, though, I found myself frustrated by how imprecise the series is, even in the midst of such rich material-a bludgeon of a show, albeit a bludgeon with expensive production values. But the series picks up momentum as it goes, bringing the viewer to staggeringly beautiful but run-down cityscapes, lush vegetation, and deserted beaches in and around Bangkok, where The Serpent did the bulk of its on-location filming. In this case, the plotting is incomprehensible-especially at the beginning-and the lead performances are exercises in camp.


It can be strange when TV tells us our history.

charles sobhraj poison of choice


The latest example of this maxim is The Serpent, an eight-part limited series about the serial killer Charles Sobhraj, who targeted white travelers throughout South and Southeast Asia in the mid- to late ‘70s. They told everything they knew.As Herodotus famously wrote, history is merely matériel for a future Netflix series. It was the beginning of the end for Charles Sobhraj.Ĭlassic police work quickly rounded up the rest of Charles Sobhraj's crew and, Barbara and Mary Ellen were the first to crack. When someone realized that the only people who were ill were those who took their new friend's "medicine," a trio of burly students wrestled Charles to the ground and sent for the police. The pills worked too quickly, and all around him in the lobby of the hotel, students were dropping like flies. His plan was to wait until the students became drowsy from his drug and then rob their rooms, but Charles' reach exceeded his grasp. The students considered themselves lucky to have found a fellow Frenchman in such a strange place, and when he offered them a pill that he said would ward off dysentery, many took it with gratitude.

charles sobhraj poison of choice

He quickly latched on to a tour group of French post-graduate students and became their unofficial guide around the city.

charles sobhraj poison of choice

Jean-Luc succumbed to the poison he had been given and died without regaining consciousness, turning a simple robbery into murder.Ĭharles, Marie, Mary Ellen and Barbara traveled to Delhi, where Charles wanted to run a scam.

charles sobhraj poison of choice

Charles rebuilt his family by bringing in two lost Western women and made a quick score by drugging a Frenchman named Jean-Luc Solomon. In Bombay, Charles and Marie began working their scam again.

Charles sobhraj poison of choice